The front rims size is 19 x 2.15 36 Hole Morad TC and for the rear a 18 x 3.00 36 Hole Morad TC, slightly larger than standard size as I intend to have 100/90 tyre on the front and a 120/90 on the rear and the 120 is slightly too big for stock rim.
the brake lining on the rear hub to remove any scoring. Turned down a piece of brass to locate in the
bearing and the other end centred to allow the tail-stock to keep
the hub pressed against the chuck jaws while machining.
needed to do a light skim to clean up the lining.
has been sandblasted, and then the back of the drum polished with
a small wire brush on a dremel. |
hub ready to be powder coated. Made aluminium plates to
block the holes, hopefully keep most of the powder coating from
going on the brake lining.
hub ready for blasting. Made some ally plates to keep paint off
the area where the disks bolt on.
Powder coated the hub, the colour is titanium, basically a metallic silver.
Rear sprocket carrier after a bit of polishing.
Using an aluminium drift to put in the bearing.
Just powder coated the speedo drive, was unsure if the rubber seal would withstand the heat but it seemed to be ok and it is still flexible. All the other internal parts were removed and degreased before baking.
The alloy rims and stainless steel spokes have just arrived from Central wheels, will update with the and have fitted them, just finish off truing up the wheel.
The alloy rims arrived polished and only needed a bit of de-burring where the spoke holes were drilled.
Wheel finished with a Bridgestone BT45, not used these tyres before.
I have always used Dunlop arrow max on my GT and my old Z550. These Bridgestones are supposed to be the best tyre for a GT, will be good to see how good they are.
The rear wheel 3" x 18" alloy rim with a 120/90 Bridgestone.
Rim polished up as good as chrome, hopefully stay like it for a while.
Spokes need a bit of polishing, but worth doing as you can see more of them than on the front wheel wheel the disks are there.
Stainless steel spokes from Central Wheels, example of the inner and outer spokes.
This is the standard polished spokes as supplied.
The end has been lightly sanded with a fine sanding drum on a dremel and a little bit of polishing they come up as good as chrome.
All of the spokes have been polished by hand, probably takes 1.5 - 2 hours to do the set of 36.
Speedo drive dust plate, machines from 100mm x 100mm x 10mm ally plate.
Stainless steel speedo drive dust plate and stainless tab washers fitted.
Stainless steel speedo drive dust plate and stainless tab washers fitted.