For information about the differences in the oil pumps used on the 750 models visit Pink Possum
Reproduction of the oil pump control rod olives for the GT750 LMAB models, CNC machined in the UK, from Teflon #16762-31210
The outside was profiled on the CNC lathe and the 2mm slot was machined on the CNC mill.
The original cast finish on the oil pump.
Bolted on a spare top and blanked off the bottom of pump, used a dremel with a small sanding drum on and smoothed out the rough cast finish, and lightly sand blasted. |
Sprayed 2 pack etch primer with an air brush.
Coated in metallic blue, Caribbean blue to match the petrol tank. Only painted in cellulose paint but would now have powder coated with new powder coating system.
Replaced the top gasket on assembly as usually gets damaged taking the top off.
Bolted on the crankcase, The top has been sand blasted and clear lacquered.

Made a new oil pump bleed screw from a M5 stainless steel allen bolt to replace the standard phillips bleed screw.
Oil feed pipe check valve stripped down for cleaning and refurbish as it was leaking, will try to sort out a page explaining how to dismantle.
Have had a few hundred of these made up now from 0.4mm gasket paper
Always good to have a few spares.
Gasket is a perfect fit on the pump, the company did an excellent job, accurate to within 0.1mm